Sunday, June 23, 2013

What Is The Duration Of An Accelerated Degree Program?

More students are continuing to jump into the world of accelerated degrees and educational programs. This is because they offer a variety of benefits, namely that you finish up with your school in less time, which means that you can actually begin your new life and career. But it's important to understand just how long these programs take before you get started.

Accelerated Online degrees aren't all finished in the same amount of time, in fact, the length of time can vary quite substantially from one to the next. A few factors that can alter your own timeline include if you're transferring in any existing credits, and which degree you're working towards.

Even with these kinds of variables, you can still take a look at program lengths and come to some general conclusions. The basic estimate is that accelerated degrees take half the time of traditional courses of study for the same end degree or result. In other words, a bachelors degree from the beginning which typically takes four years, can easily be expected to be finished in two.

Another factor though for the length of time that an accelerated program takes to complete is the scheduling that you'll be utilizing. Finishing in half the time doesn't just mean that you take two times as many classes during the same time, which is important, because that kind of workload would be impossible for most individuals.

Many accelerated schools and programs operate under a quarter system instead of semesters. Now you have four separate sessions throughout the year, each of which are about 12 weeks in length. This eliminates the long breaks between semesters and enables students to study all throughout the year, fitting in more classes.

Most college students have at least three months off during the summer, and then enjoy another month or so off in the winter too, in addition to other, shorter breaks. That's a third of the year you're not utilizing, so accelerated programs eliminate that and keep students moving ahead the whole time, allowing you to get more classes out of the way in much less time.

Online education is also a key piece to many accelerated programs and degrees. Learning online offers greater flexibility and convenience, allowing you to study and do your work whenever you can fit it in, which means you can handle taking on more. You also won't be wasting any time or energy getting back and forth to the classroom itself.

So as you can see, there are many different factors at play when it comes to the program length for accelerated degrees. The general guideline is that it takes half the time, four years to two years for bachelors degree, thanks to year-round classes and higher workloads, but this can vary depending on your own individual circumstances.

To find accelerated degree programs right now as well as other fast track education and training information visit